
A full list of publications can be found at our center Google Scholar page
Carey, C.C., P.C. Hanson, R.Q. Thomas, A.B. Gerling, A.G. Hounshell, A.S.L Lewis, M.E. Lofton P, R.P. McClure, H.L. Wander, W.M. Woelmer, B.R. Niederlehner, M.E. Schreiber. Anoxia decreases the magnitude of the carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus sink in freshwater ecosystems. Global Change Biology 28:4861-4881
McClure, R.P, R.Q. Thomas, M.E. Lofton, W.M. Woelmer and C.C. Carey. 2021. Iterative forecasting improves near-term predictions of methane ebullition rates. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9:756603.
Olsson, F, T.N. Moore, C.C. Carey, A. Breef-Pilz, and R.Q. Thomas. 2024. A multi-model ensemble of baseline and process-based models improves the predictive skill of near-term lake forecasts. Water Resources Research 60: e2023WR035901
Thomas, R.Q. , C. Boettiger, C.C. Carey, M.C. Dietze, L.R. Johnson, M.A. Kenney, J.S. McLachlan, J.A Peters, E.R. Sokol, J.F. Weltzin, A. Willson, W.M. Woelmer, and Challenge Contributors. 2023. The NEON Ecological Forecasting Challenge. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 21: 112-113.
Thomas. R.Q., A.L. Jersild, E.B. Brooks, V.A. Thomas, and R.H. Wynne. 2018. A mid-century ecological forecast with partitioned uncertainty predicts increases in loblolly pine forest productivity. Ecological Applications. 28: 1503-1519.
Thomas, R.Q, R.P. McClure, T.N. Moore, W.M. Woelmer, C. Boettiger, R.J. Figueiredo, R.T. Hensley, and C.C. Carey. 2023. Near-term forecasts of NEON lakes reveal gradients of environmental predictability across the U.S. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment 21: 220–226.
Wheeler, K., M. Dietze, D. LeBauer, J. Peters, A.D. Richardson, R.Q. Thomas, K. Zhu, U. Bhat, S. Munch, R.F Buzbee, M. Chen, B. Goldstein, J.S. Guo, D. Hao, C. Jones, M. Kelly-Fair, H. Liu, C. Malmborg, N. Neupane. D. Pal, A. Ross, V. Shirey, Y. Song, M. Steen, E.A. Vance, W.M. Woelmer, J. Wynne and L. Zachmann. 2024. Predicting Spring Phenology in Deciduous Broadleaf Forests: An Open Community Forecast Challenge. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 345: 09810
Woelmer, W.M, R.Q. Thomas, M. Lofton, R. McClure, and C.C Carey. 2022. Near-term phytoplankton forecasts reveal the effects of model time step and forecast horizon on predictability. Ecological Applications 32: e2642.
Wander, H.L., R.Q Thomas, T.N. Moore, M.E. Lofton, A. Breef-Pilz, C.C. Carey. 2024. Data assimilation experiments inform monitoring needs for near-term ecological forecasts in a eutrophic reservoir. Ecosphere 15: e4752.
Daneshmand, V., A. Breef-Pilz, C.C. Carey, Y. Jin, Y.-J. Kun, K.C., R.Q. Thomas, R.J. Figueiredo. 2021 “Edge-to-cloud Virtualized Cyberinfrastructure for Near Real-time Water Quality Forecasting in Lakes and Reservoirs” in 2021 IEEE 17th International Conference on eScience (eScience), Innsbruck, Austria, 2021 pp. 138-148.
Daw, A., R.Q. Thomas, C.C. Carey, J.S. Read, A.P. Appling, and A. Karpatne. 2020. “Physics-guided architecture (PGA) of neural networks for quantifying uncertainty in lake temperature modeling” in Proceedings of the 2020 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining: 532-540.
Hipsey, M.R., L.C. Bruce, C. Boon, B. Busch, C.C. Carey, D.P. Hamilton, P.C. Hanson, J.S. Read, E. de Sousa, M. Weber, and L.A. Winslow. 2019. A General Lake Model (GLM 3.0) for linking with high-frequency sensor data from the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON). Geoscientific Model Development. 12: 473-523.
Lofton, M.E., J.A. Brentrup, W. Beck, J.A. Zwart, R. Bhatttacharya, L. Brighenti, S.H. Burnet, I. McCullough, B. Steele, C.C. Carey, K.L. Cottingham, M.C. Dietze, H.A. Ewing, K.C. Weathers, and S. LaDeau. 2022. Using near-term forecasts and uncertainty partitioning to improve prediction of oligotrophic lake cyanobacterial density. Ecological Applications. 32: e2590.
Thomas R.Q, R.J. Figueiredo, V. Daneshmand, B.J. Bookout, L.K. Puckett, and C.C. Carey. 2020. A near‐term iterative forecasting system successfully predicts reservoir hydrodynamics and partitions uncertainty in real time. Water Resources Research 56: e2019WR026138.
Thomas, R.Q., E.B. Brooks, A.L. Jersild, E.J. Ward, R.H. Wynne, T.J. Albaugh, H.D. Aldridge, H.E. Burkhart, J.-C. Domec, T.R. Fox, C.A. Gonzalez-Benecke, T.M. Martin, A. Noormets, D.A. Sampson, and R.O. Teskey. 2017. Leveraging 35 years of Pinus taeda research in the southeastern US to constrain forest carbon cycle predictions: regional data assimilation using ecosystem experiments. Biogeosciences 14: 3525-3547.
Smith, J.W., L.R. Johnson, and R.Q. Thomas. 2023. Assessing Ecosystem State Space Models: Identifiability and Estimation. Journal of Agriculture, Biological and Environmental Statistics.
Smith, J.W., L.R. Johnson, and R.Q. Thomas. 2023. Parameterizing Lognormal state space models using moment matching. Environmental and Ecological Statistics.
Carey, C.C., N.K. Ward, K.J. Farrell, M.E. Lofton, A.I. Krinos, R.P. McClure, K. Subratie, R.J. Figueiredo, J.P. Doubek, P.C. Hanson, P. Papadopoulos, and P. Arzberger. 2019. Enhancing collaboration between ecologists and computer scientists: lessons learned and paths forward. Ecosphere. 10:e02753.
Carey C.C., W.M. Woelmer, M.E. Lofton, R.J. Figueiredo, B.J. Bookout, R.S. Corrigan, V. Daneshmand, A.G. Hounshell, D.W. Howard, A.S. Lewis, R.P. McClure, H.L. Wander, N.K. Ward, and R.Q. Thomas. 2022. Advancing lake and reservoir water quality management with near-term, iterative ecological forecasting. Inland Waters 12: 107-120
Lewis, A.G, W. Woelmer G, H. Wander G, D. Howard, J. Smith G, R. McClure P, M. Lofton, N. Hammond, R. Corrigan, R.Q. Thomas, and C.C. Carey. 2022. Increased adoption of best practices in ecological forecasting enables comparisons of forecastability across systems. Ecological Applications 32: e02500.
Lofton, M.E., D.W. Howard, R.Q. Thomas, and C. C Carey. 2023. Progress and opportunities in advancing near-term forecasting of freshwater quality. Global Change Biology 29: 1691-1714
Ward, N.K., M.G. Sorice, M.S. Reynolds, K.C. Weathers, W. Weng, and C.C. Carey. 2022. Can interactive data visualizations promote waterfront best management practices? Lake and Reservoir Management. 38: 95–108.
Carey, C.C., K.J. Farrell, A.G. Hounshell, and K. O’Connell. Macrosystems EDDIE teaching modules significantly increase ecology students’ proficiency and confidence working with ecosystem models and use of systems thinking. Ecology & Evolution. 10: 12515–12527.
Farrell, K.J., and C.C. Carey. 2018. Power, pitfalls, and potential for integrating computational literacy into undergraduate ecology courses. Ecology and Evolution. 8:7744-7751.
Hounshell, A.G., K.J. Farrell, and C.C. Carey. 2021. Macrosystems EDDIE teaching modules increase students’ ability to define, interpret, and apply concepts in macrosystems ecology. Education Sciences. 11: 382.
Moore, T.N. , R.Q. Thomas, W.M. Woelmer, and C.C Carey. 2022. Integrating ecological forecasting into undergraduate ecology curricula with an R Shiny application-based teaching module. Forecasting 4:604-633.
Willson, A.M., H. Gallo, J.A. Peters, A. Abeyta, N. Bueno Watts, C.C. Carey, T.N. Moore, G. Smies, R.Q. Thomas, W.M. Woelmer, and J.S. McLachlan. 2023. Assessing opportunities and inequities in undergraduate ecological forecasting education. Ecology and Evolution 13: e10001.
Woelmer, W.M., T.N. Moore, M.E. Lofton, R.Q. Thomas, and C.C. Carey. 2023. Embedding communication concepts in forecasting training increases students’ understanding of ecological uncertainty. Ecosphere